High Design Aluminium

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies High Design Aluminium. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment. You can find High Design Aluminium at 3/75 Kirkham Road, Bowral, New South Wales 2576.


Postal address:
3/75 Kirkham Road, Bowral, New South Wales 2576
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Phone number:
+61 2 4861 6403

Official website:


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About hdaluminium.com.au

High Design Aluminium | High Design Aluminium
High Design aluminium supply and install custom aluminium Windows and Doors, showerscreens and splashbacks for dometic and commercial applications. Unique design and inovative style - servicing all areas of the Southern highlands, Bowral, Mittagong, Moss Vale, Wollongong and Shellharbour
Aluminium frames, doors, windows, shower screens, roofs, awnings, splashback, domestic, commercial, shop front, security doors, bowral, southern highlands, Capral, Genesis, AGS, 2576

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